Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Quit Smoking Tips

13 Tips to Quit Smoking

No. 1: Know Why You Want to Quit

No. 2: Don’t Go Cold Turkey

No. 3: Try Nicotine-Replacement Therapy

No. 4: Ask About Prescription Pills

No. 5: Don’t Go It Alone

No. 6: Manage Stress

No. 7: Avoid Alcohol & Other Triggers

No. 8: Clean House

Once you’ve smoked your last cigarette, toss all of your ashtrays and lighters. Wash any clothes that smell like smoke and clean your carpets, draperies, and upholstery. Use air fresheners to help rid your home of that familiar scent. You don’t want to see or smell anything that reminds you of smoking.

No. 9: Try and Try Again

It’s very common to have a relapse. Many smokers try several times before giving up cigarettes for good. Examine the emotions and circumstances that lead to your relapse. Use it as an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to quitting. Once you’ve made the decision to try again, set a “quit date” within the next month.

No. 10: Get Moving

No. 11: Eat Fruits & Veggies
Don’t try to diet while giving up cigarettes – too much deprivation is bound to backfire. Instead, focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. A Duke University study suggests these foods make cigarettes taste terrible. This gives you a leg up in fighting your cravings while providing disease-fighting nutrients

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